STAAD.Pro Help

M. To generate mirror copies of model entities

To generate symmetric copies of the model selection about a plane, use the following procedure.

Note: The following modeling tools are not supported in STAAD.Pro 2023 for models which have enclosed zones:
  • Mirror
  • Translational Repeat
  • Circular Repeat
  • Generate Rotate
  • Copy
  • Move Node
  • Move Origin
  1. Select the geometry to copy or move.
    Note: Refer to the discussion on the Select menu for details on the selection procedure.
  2. On the Geometry ribbon tab, select the Mirror tool in the Structure group.

    The Mirror dialog opens.
  3. Specify an mirror plane.
  4. Specify a Plane position.
  5. Select if the selected geometry is to be copied of moved and, if copied, if linking members are to be created.
  6. (Optional) Set the option to mirror members if their orientation is also to be mirrored.
  7. Click OK.